
Suzy was born in New York in 1947 to an aspiring artist father and a mother of unlimited energy and creativity. She is first of four children living in a home where freedom, adventure and creativity rhymed with the joy of living and indelibly marked their characters.

Suzy's interest turned to all facets of art and she started painting from an early age under the attentive eyes of her parents. Throughout her school years Suzy was considered "the artist in residence". Every project in need of an artistic touch from school newspaper and yearbook illustrations to theatre decorations and costumes, inter-school and local art competitions of all kinds, Suzy would accept with joy. 

Aspiring to be an architect and encouraged by her father and grandfather, in 1965, Suzy began her formal education in Fine Arts at university.

In 1967 she was awarded the Barr Art Scholarship to study painting in Paris, France at the C.A.S.A. Study in Paris exposes her to painting in an Atelier. She studies life drawing, paints her first nudes and explores rapid sketching at boxing matches and the circus ,for use in experimenting with engraving techniques. History of art at the Sorbonne and visits to museums and galleries give her a "face to face" with Impressionist's paintings. This adventure sets the scene for her future as a painter. Subject matter varies, but strong" line" and, with her introduction to the use of Acrylic paints, fresh colors and free brushstrokes begin to distinquish the Suzy of today. 

Returning to University in the United States with an atelier of her own, Suzy's paintings gain in size, color and freedom of expression, tending to the abstract with the human body in motion as her subjet. 

In 1969 Suzy receives her Diploma in Fine Arts with a minor in theater from Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio U.S.A. She receives a scholarship to continue her studies in painting at the Brooklyn Museum of Art School. Her time there coincides with a Fauvist Retrospective exhibit, and Suzy reinforces her use of "color as form" in her paintings. It is also an occasion to discover the use of clay and the creation of pottery for the first time. 

The years to follow are motivated by adventure and discovery with Georges, her French husband. Moving from East to West of the United States, then from Switzerland to the French Alpes they finally settle down with their two daughters in Megève France in 1979. Most of her artwork during this period she considers as "entries in my diary". 

In 1980 Suzy and Georges open their Hotel and restaurant business. The next twenty years Suzy describes as a" cacophony of creativity" in decoration of all sorts. Her work in ceramics goes from the practical (creation of dinner-ware, tiles, lamps even basins) to decorative sculptures inspired by local folklore. Her paintings are of mountain landscapes and chronicle chalet life. She fills her restaurant walls interior and exterior with her paintings, exhibits in local exhibitions and fairs and becomes known and appreciated for her work. Though at this time her works are mostly small in size her liberty with line and brushstroke remain her signature. 

In 2000, with a business well established and grown children, Suzy devotes more and more time to her painting and sculpture. She returns to painting outdoors and her landscapes take on size and become more expressive and colorful with this new found freedom. 

In 2002 Suzy has her first solo exhibit at Les Thermes de Saint Gervais. Newspaper articles follow. In 2006 the television show "Place du Village" devotes a broadcast to Suzy's work. 

In 2009 Suzy is invited to exhibit with the "Artists of Megève" at the M.A.D. (Megève Art Discovery) international Salon of Contemporary Art in Megève. She exposes a sculpture. It is at this time that Suzy discovers the ceramic technique of RAKU. Her sculpture moves away from the decorative and into expressions of her emotions. 

Vice Laureat Artist of Megève in 2010 for her painting, Suzy moves on to exhibiting on her own, paintings and sculptures at the first M.A.D. of Saint Gervais

Suzy recently said, "I have only begun to express myself with my painting and sculpture...."